No two texts are identical. Therefore, no two quotes can be the same. Whether it is a translation or only proofreading, the rates are calculated on the length of the text, the domain, the complexity, layout and deadline.
Send us your text for a personalised and accurate quote. Remember to include any specific needs and your ideal deadline.
Remember: our translation rate includes proofreading by one of our collaborators.
Our Sales Conditions are in accordance with the general sales conditions and payment terms recommended by the SFT, the national syndicate of professional translators.
We offer two modes of on-going professional training in English: face-to-face or virtual classroom.
Face-to-face training takes place in or around Toulouse, at your premises or in training rooms which are also adapted for persons with disabilities, or virtual classroom training.
Face-to-face training is very productive because trainees can actively participate through interaction activities such as scenarios, exchanges and role plays.
Virtual classroom training is another solution for workers who are not in Toulouse or for those who cannot travel because of their disability. This training method is ideal as it does not depend on geographic location. On the technical side, all the trainee needs is a computer with an internet connection to access the platform. A microphone and headset are also ideal for an optimal training environment.
Whether in face-to-face or in virtual class, our training has educational objectives and activities, which include regular assessments throughout the course.
The rates for professional training and private lessons take into account the context for implementing the training, the travel time (Toulouse or Toulouse region), learning materials and any special trainee needs (TOEIC preparation…).
Regarding the training context, please note that in the case of a training agreement (DIF/CPF..) the social security contributions are charged to the provider. However, if funding is provided with the CESU framework, the social security contributions shall be borne by the employer (general public). In return, they are entitled to a 50% tax advantage.
In order to obtain a quote which corresponds to your situation, do not forget to state whether your request is for continuous vocational training (DIF/CPF…) or training within the CESU framework.