
As a company

You have rights to training!

With your Personal Training Account (CPF), you are entitled to training hours throughout your professional life. The CPF was created to facilitate access to qualifying training and is attached to the person and not their employment contract. Therefore, the CPF is maintained after the loss of employment or in the event of you changing company. As of 2020, your account will be funded up to 500 euros per year, up to the limit of 5000 euros, for part-time work or more. If you less work than part-time hours, your rights are calculated in proportion to your activity.

How can you use your CPF?

  1. Connect to the website www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr
  2. Log in using your social security number to find out how much you have in your account to fund your training
  3. Access Kelly Venz’s training catalogue and select a training module which corresponds to your needs
  4. Sign up to a training session and pay directly using MonCompteFormation
    Training organisation no.: registered under number 73 31 07526 31. This registration is not equivalent to State approval.

Quality Charter

  • We quickly understand your needs and expectations
  • We establish a close collaboration with the trainer in optimal learning conditions
  • We establish whether your needs can be meet in the short or long term
  • We are responsive to any course scheduling questions
  • We are compliant with the direct teaching method for optimal English learning
  • We provide an optimal learning atmosphere with your trainer
  • See my references

    Courses by level*:

  • A1 English for beginners
  • A2 English for false beginners
  • B1-1 Independent users of English
  • *Level established according to the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

    Thematic courses:

  • TOEIC preparation
  • BULATS preparation
  • CVs and Cover letters
  • Professional Interview
  • Presentations
  • Meetings
  • Contact us for more information on our courses…

    Assessment by an official language test.

    All CPF training ends with CLOE certification, a test designed to thoroughly and accurately assess individuals’ oral and written skills in English. CLOE aims to assess the communication skills of candidates in a professional and academic context.